a - B. Elliott pinch hit for M. Miranda in the 6th
b - R. Benson pinch hit for A. Polanco in the 6th
c - T. Durango substituted for B. Elliott in the 6th
d - J. Sánchez substituted for R. Benson in the 6th
e - H. Palmer pinch hit for T. Durango in the 8th
f - W. Cummins inserted as DH in the 8th
g - M. Arthur pinch hit for J. Sánchez in the 8th
h - W. Wise substituted for H. Palmer in the 8th
i - M. MacPherson substituted for M. Arthur in the 8th
j - B. Ramos pinch hit for D. Morgan in the 9th
k - R. Collins pinch hit for D. Scully in the 9th
l - J. Thompson substituted for K. Swerdlove in the 9th
m - R. Hunter substituted for B. Ramos in the 9th
n - E. Garza substituted for R. Collins in the 9th
D. Scully
2 (2, 3rd Inning off J. Shedd, 1 on, 0 outs; 7th Inning off P. Bardi, 2 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
D. Barton
(2, 9th Inning off J. Boyce, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
A. Mercado
D. Barton
D. Morgan
C. Vásquez
D. Scully
H. Palmer
E. Gibson
2-out RBI:
D. Scully
K. Swerdlove
E. Gibson
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Morgan
K. Swerdlove
M. Miranda
A. Polanco
Hit by Pitch:
K. Swerdlove
Team LOB:
a - D. Weeks pinch hit for R. Carbajal in the 6th
b - J. Benítez substituted for D. Weeks in the 7th
c - P. O'Keefe pinch hit for E. Wallace in the 8th
d - M. Catron substituted for P. O'Keefe in the 9th
e - S. Portillo pinch hit for F. Pérez in the 9th
f - S. Wilson pinch hit for M. Rodríguez in the 9th
Home Runs:
E. Wilcox
(32, 7th Inning off S. Miura, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
M. Rodríguez
E. Wilcox
R. Carbajal
F. Pérez
2-out RBI:
B. Washington
E. Wilcox
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
M. Rodríguez
J. González
Hit by Pitch:
M. Rodríguez
Team LOB:
M. Rodríguez