a - J. Ramírez pinch hit for B. Bryan in the 6th
b - J. McGinnity pinch hit for H. Flores in the 6th
c - C. Anderson pinch hit for J. Torres in the 6th
d - A. Scott pinch hit for N. Bates in the 6th
e - C. Ramos substituted for A. Scott in the 6th
f - J. Payne pinch hit for M. Williams in the 7th
g - P. Morales inserted as DH in the 7th
h - V. Rivera substituted for J. Payne in the 7th
i - A. Little pinch hit for C. Ramos in the 8th
j - I. Manning substituted for A. Little in the 8th
T. Buck
(1, 7th Inning off J. Alomar, 1 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
T. Buck
(1, 3rd Inning off J. Esparza, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
T. Buck
J. Ramírez
W. Douglas
M. Williams
J. Johnson
2-out RBI:
J. Ramírez
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
W. Douglas
H. Flores
A. Scott
J. Clark
Team LOB:
B. Bryan
a - B. Boerboom substituted for R. Pearcey in the 7th
b - E. Delancey pinch hit for G. Torres in the 7th
c - L. Pagán substituted for E. Delancey in the 8th
d - B. McCoy pinch hit for B. Boerboom in the 8th
e - R. Owry pinch hit for P. Johnston in the 8th
f - J. Allen pinch hit for L. Martin in the 8th
g - K. Annoni pinch ran for B. McCoy in the 8th
h - C. Badger pinch hit for L. Pagán in the 8th
i - F. Ditmars pinch hit for O. Fuentes in the 8th
j - R. Delgado substituted for K. Annoni in the 9th
k - M. McBroom substituted for R. Owry in the 9th
l - D. Pickett substituted for J. Allen in the 9th
m - G. Hill substituted for C. Badger in the 9th
P. Johnston
(22, 6th Inning off O. DeMartino, 0 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
J. Calderón
(2, 5th Inning off O. DeMartino, 1 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
J. Calderón
R. Sánchez
P. Johnston
R. Owry
G. Torres
C. Badger
O. Fuentes
2-out RBI:
J. Calderón
C. Badger
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
D. Alford
L. Martin
F. Ditmars
Team LOB:
O. Fuentes
2 (8)
Double Plays:
1 (Alomar-Martin-Johnston)